The accelerated capital cost allowance for computers
Randall Orser 0

The accelerated capital cost allowance for computers

40 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Randall Orser 0 Comments
40 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The current Canadian government as part of their economic stimulus changed the rules for the capital cost allowance (depreciation/amortization) of computers to 100% with no half-year rule. This change has allowed small business such as my clients to invest in computer infrastructure like never before. Many businesses that would not have had the initiative to invest in computers have done so because of this rule change. Technology in this day and age is vastly important to business in order to stay competitive and keep ahead of other businesses and countries. If we lag behind in technology investment, it harms the business, the country and us as individuals by not allowing us to compete on a higher level. However, this comes to an end on midnight, January 31, 2011. I'm asking you to sign this petition by December 31, which will be sent to Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. I will be asking Finance Minister Jim Flaherty to not just extend this rule change but to make it permanent. I believe this will allow small business in the country to grow and flourish in the years to come. Please support my petition by signing and help make a difference for small business in Canada.


If you would like to sponsor this petition contact Randall Orser

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