Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Changes - Greenleaf & Highlands East Area

Hello Neighbors,
We need your help! Snohomish County is in the process of amending their Comprehensive Plan ** and is considering options that will negatively impact the Greenleaf and Highlands East neighborhoods. We have identified 3 major concerns with the plan, as listed below. The county is currently soliciting public input on the plan, and that’s where you come in.
- We ask you to sign an online petition stating your support for the HOA’s letter to the county. And, we need a lot of signatures to get the county’s attention. An online petition has been setup at the link below, and will include a link to board’s letter when it’s finalized. The petition needs to be signed preferably on or before October 6th. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/comprehensive-plan-and-zoning-changes-greenleaf
We ask that you show your support for our neighborhoods by attending the County’s public hearing on the plan. Several board members will be speaking at the hearing but we need as many people there as possible. Let us know if you can attend, and also if you’re interested in speaking on our behalf. The hearing is October 7th at the Snohomish County Administration Building, 1st Floor Public Meeting Room (3000 Rockefeller Avenue, Everett) from 5:30pm to 9pm, and possibly continuing on to October 8th and 9th ***. We have 3 major concerns with the county’s plan:
1. The ‘Alternative 3’ Plan proposes to rezone 46 acres west of Greenleaf (top of Phase II) and east of Highlands East to Low Density Multiple Residential (LDMR), which allows 11 housing units/acre. This is out of character with the surrounding neighborhoods – Greenleaf is zoned 4 houses per acre, and Highlands East is zoned 6 houses per acre. This could result in having over 500 apartments/condos/townhomes built between Greenleaf and Highlands East.
2. County-owned property south of Greenleaf and north of the high school is already zoned as LDMR. Again, this is out of character with the surrounding neighborhoods. The property is approximately 40 acres, and could result in another 440 apartments/condos/townhomes built on the south side of Greenleaf.
3. The roads & traffic will likely go through our neighborhoods to serve these new developments. Greenleaf has several future road extension points, including: 82nd St and 79th St in Phase I, and 134th St in Phase II. The latter two could be used as access points into the above properties. Highlands East has several road extension points, too. If this happens, our neighborhood streets will likely be used as cut-thru’s from Cathcart Rd to Lowell Larimer, drastically increasing the traffic.
** Refer to http://2015update-snoco.org for details of the county’s Comprehensive Plan.
**Unfortunately, the public hearing has a first-come, first-serve signup for speaking, so it’s not clear what time or even which night we’ll be presenting, but we’ll be trying for the 1st night.
Thanks for your consideration and please reach out to anyone on the HOA if you have questions or concerns.
Greenleaf HOA Board
Email address: board@greenleaf.hoaspace.com