Bike Lanes and Sidewalks at UR

On the campus of the University of Richmond we are beginning to embrace a biking culture, but on most of the roads on our campus biking and running are to be done at your own risk (e.g. the curves of Boatwright Dr).
We, the students of the University of Richmond, members of the University staff and faculty, and members of the Richmond community, have signed this petition asking that the school make it a priority to complete the streets of our campus.
This summer, we have our first opportunity to start this process with a new road that will be built between the University Forest Apartments and the Jepson Alumni Center (through the parking lot with the crew boats). Let's build this road with bike lanes and sidewalks! It's a start of Richmond becoming a more bike-and pedestrian-friendly campus ... long over due.
U of Richmond Climate Action! Plan (section on transportation): http://sustainability.richmond.edu/action-plan/transportation.html
Richmond Area Bike Association:
Richmond's Partnership for Smarter Growth: http://www.psgrichmond.org/