Complaint against few members causing unnecessary rukus in the state . ( Gh- main , dragon )

Letter of Request to Developers against Dragon Slayer and GH Main of the state 80.
1) That this player is not respecting the governments that the state has put
2) That this player has no honor or respect for other players
3) That being discontented, players no longer want to invest their money
4) That a large majority in this state will change the game, which would bring about a massive dropout and Google will no longer receive money from all the players who will leave the game.
We give a time of no more than 7 days for this problem to be the result of the definitive blocking of both accounts or that they are teleported to their original states or older states, the entire community of the 80th state wants peace
Having possibility that the duo has more accounts also that may continue to threat the State
Requesting help
Team state 80