Complain Increase in charges without approval
Members gymkhana 0

Complain Increase in charges without approval

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27 people have signed. Add your voice!
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President & Members of the Managing Committee,
Karachi Gymkhana,
Gentlemen & Lady:
This letter is one of great importance, and highlights a need to identify issues, and together
find their solutions. We are a social club, of the greatest prestige - it would be prudent for us
to solve the following issues, socially, and as a club.
Herein, lies our issue this day:
We, the members of Karachi Gymkhana, received our club bill for the month of July 2023,
with an increase of Rs 1,000/- in subscription charges. There are rules, and procedures to
follow, to implement such increases/decreases in charges.
Our collective grievance,lies in the manner and form via which such a change was
implemented. With respect, and with the facts listed below, we contest these changes as a
flouting of regular procedure, and as such unauthorized, and illegal
Let us now go over the laws/rules/regulations that govern such changes:
1. As per Rule: 20 (C) (ix), the Managing Committee is only authorized to increase the
Subscription Charges up to a maximum of 10% per year of the prevalent subscription
charges. The present bill indicates not only an increase of the yearly 10%, but,
additionally Rs.1000.00 has also been added/increased under this head, thus making
this increase by over 40%.
To note, the Managing Committee is not empowered to increase any charges
and/or make any financial charges without the approval of the General Body.
Any such charges without the approval of the General Body is illegal, un-authorized
and of no legal effect.
To also note, subscription charges are subject to a maximum of 10% increase per
annum. No other clubs are increasing even 2% every year. We pray for further
clearance on this issue.
2. There was a Half-Yearly General Body Meeting conducted at 14th July 2023. As per
the agenda incorporated, in both printed half-yearly accounts for the period ending
December 31, 2022, and its details dated 26.06.2023 circulated to all members,there
was no such proposal to increase the subscription charges beyond the
mandated 10% yearly increase.
At this meeting, amongst the five (5) proposals deliberated upon, none of these five
proposals proposed any change/increase in the subscription charges. As such, no
notices were generated and sent to members before implementation of this increase.Under Rule: 17 (a) – Explanatory Notes (b), such a notice is mandatory under the
rules, which was never given to members for increase in additional subscription
charges beyond the yearly 10% yearly increase.
Furthermore, this illegal increase will also have a cumulative effect in the following
years, thus making all such increases illegal.
In view of the above, this arbitrary increase in subscription charges is illegal, un-authorized
and without any legal effect.
This should be withdrawn forthwith and notice to all members be issued accordingly. Fresh
revised bills should also be issued to members accordingly.
With solemnity, it is also noted that temporary members now too have to bare the brunt of
this lack of due process; unfortunate, for temporary members have no say in this, and are
bound to follow such an act, even if to their misfortune and inconvenience
Copy to: (1) President (2)Secretary, Karachi Gymkhana (3) Chief Accountant, Karachi
Dated: 12th August 2023

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