Quarry Hollow Community Swing
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

The Friends of Quarry Hollow Park are hoping to purchase a timber framed car tyre swing to enhance the play provision in the park. Our grant application will be strengthened by local support. If you agree that a community swing will bring more people to the park and encourage play in a natural environment, then please register your support for our project by signing our petition.
The Friends of Quarry Hollow Park are an elected committee, with 41 members.
Our main purpose is to protect, conserve and enhance Quarry Hollow Park as a place of freedom, recreation, enjoyment and play in a natural setting for the long term benefit of the local community.
We welcome input from local people and representative groups so that the park may best serve the local community.
http://www.timberplay.com - Manufacturer
http://www.playlink.org - Play Consultancy