BHUSD All Abilities Pool

I'm starting this petition to combine and support the efforts of the members of the Beverly Hills community who are fighting for an all access pool to be put in on school grounds. Currently, the local swim teams are all using the pool at the high school which results in erratic schedules that also conflict with the basketball and volleyball teams. This essentially leaves no time in which the community can access the pool. On top of that, this pool is not even regulation size, meaning that though the times practice there, they have to compete somewhere else. Also, it is not handicap accessible. I propose that the City of Beverly Hills should work with the school district to put in a regulation size all access pool at one of the local schools. This pool could help solve the problems listed above as well as provide a safe place for kids and teens to hang out. It could also prove a great source of revenue for the city through classes and food sales. For more information check out: http://community90210.com