Community Petition - CenturyLink High Speed DSL Internet

CenturyLink has previously installed telecommunications equipment at the intersection of Camp Joy Road and Saratoga Way to provide basic telephone and DSL internet connectivity to residents in the local area.
The existing CenturyLink DSL internet connection provides a maximum data throughput of 1.50 Mbps. This level of service ranks our community in the lowest 6.3% of households throughout the US without access to Broadband internet (as defined by the FCC).
Purpose of this Petition:
I recently queried CenturyLink about the feasibility of upgrading its equipment to provide area homeowners a higher level of internet connectivity. By adding additional equipment and connecting to a fiber optic cable recently installed along Merlin Road, it may be possible for CenturyLink to provide our community a high speed DSL internet connection with speeds ranging from 5 Mbps to 20Mbps.
However, in order for CenturyLink to invest the capital to engineer and install the necessary equipment, they have asked that homeowners demonstrate their interest in a high speed DSL internet connection by signing a petition.
The area encompassed by this petition includes residents on the following Streets/Roads:
Camp Joy Road (west of Jaime Lane)
Saratoga Way
Brett Way
South Pass Road
Sierra Way
Melissa Lane
Vannoy Creek Road
S. Vannoy Creek Road
High Ridge Terrace
Westridge Drive
Signing this petition does not obligate you to do anything.
Signing this petition is only an indication of your interest in subscribing to a high speed DSL internet connection should CenturyLink upgrade its equipment.
Your privacy is important. No information from this petition will be shared with anyone except CenturyLink Sales and Engineering representatives.