Common Core Math-Interactive Worktexts
Chrysti Anderson 0

Common Core Math-Interactive Worktexts

41 signers. Add your name now!
Chrysti Anderson 0 Comments
41 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Parents- Our school has adopted Go Math as the curriculum to support students learning common core math. Go Math only provides consumable Worktexts to purchase. Our administration is having 4th-8th grade treat the consumable text as a non consumable to save money. Basically, the children are not allowed to write in the interactive text during guided instruction in class and are required to transfer the complicated problems onto a sheet of paper. Precious instructional time is wasted and many problems get lost in translation, confusing the children and altering their focus. Many of us feel this is compromising the instruction. Many of us have expressed that we trust our tuition to go towards our children having access to basic materials such as using the adopted curriculum as it was designed. Please sign and pass along this petition so it can be presented to those making these decisions. Compromised materials leads to compromised learning...Please sign by Tuesday, September 20th at noon

Thanks for your consideration,

Chrysti Anderson

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