Commercial Trucking Code Enforcement in Berkeley
Shelby Ryon 0

Commercial Trucking Code Enforcement in Berkeley

230 signers. Add your name now!
Shelby Ryon 0 Comments
230 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are drafting a petition to present to the City of Fort Worth for code enforcement of CSC Sugar’s commercial trucks traveling in/out of Berkeley. We will be collecting signatures of concerned Berkeley residents to present with our petition. There is strength in numbers and we need your help!! So what can you do?

Sign our petition digitally to help us ask COFW to enforce the code.

Brief backstory of our attempt to resolve this:

•CSC Sugar attended the BPA meeting in December and acknowledged that they are in violation of fire lane laws and idling laws 24 hours a day. CSC Sugar plant manager explained that they would be building a gravel lot in the back away from residential fences in January for their trucks clearing the fire lane.

•The owner of the land secured a bid for the gravel lot work and CSC refused to pay and continues to use the marked fire lane adjacent to the residential fence line.

•Our neighborhood Officer is aware of the situation and is not able to patrol and enforce the code due to higher priority calls. No tickets have been issued to date.

•The land is zoned “I” for light industrial use, which by COFW indicates noise and odor are permitted. CSC acknowledged the noise and replied “There isn’t a truck stop within 100 miles so they come here.”

•Residents reported violations of idling laws to COFW Air Pollution department. We spoke with a member of that committee and no action was taken on the part of the city.

•Residents reported violations to COFW Zoning Enforcement. No response was received.

•Residents attempted to contact Bruce Conti, owner of the warehouse and landlord for CSC Sugar. No response was received.

I know you might be thinking that it isn’t your problem because you don’t live on Stanley.... I get that. However, we cannot do this alone and we need your help. These trucks are sitting idle with engines running 24 hours a day, destroying the road in Windsor, cursing at residents as they turn off of 8th, double stacking commercial trucks in the fire lane at all hours, polluting our neighborhood with diesel fumes and disrupting the lives of residents in this neighborhood. Please help us strengthen our petition as we ask COFW to enforce the code.

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