ComLinks Policy

We the undersigned respectfully request that the ComLinks Executive board address critical issues within the ComLinks organization. The organization has struggled, for an extended period of time, with ongoing issues that are interfering with the mission of ComLinks. During this time, while the ComLinks organization has continued to contribute to the needy of our community, the leadership has been involved in a number of questionable incidents. The Executive Board has seemingly chosen to ignore these incidents or has allowed the leadership problems to continue to occur. Items (such as the inappropriate use of ComLinks staff for private construction, the use of ComLinks funds in a semi-legal manner and the driving a ComLinks vehicle while intoxicated) are serious issues that the Board appears to have chosen to ignore. The apparent lack of any action on the part of the Executive Board regarding on-going events has created a significant negative impact in the public eye and has jeopardized ComLinks ability to continue to be a viable resource for those who need the services of ComLinks. Therefore we are requesting: - That the ComLinks board takes actions to deal with the crisis within ComLinks and to communicate its actions to the public. - That the Executive Board creates a policy to make the actions of the Board and ComLinks leadership transparent within the communities served if there are any future issues. - That the Executive Board, make it clear their intended actions if the crisis of leadership continues and further incidents of a negative nature occur. These actions should assure that there are safeguards in place against future infractions, should any occur. It is our belief that if the Executive Board acts quickly, appropriately and in a transparent manner, they will begin to re-establish confidence in ComLinks within the local community. We the undersigned acknowledge the benefits that our community has realized thanks to ComLinks, and publicly acknowledge such. Thank you for your consideration.