Public fatality inquire into Colton's murder

I would like to see a public fatality inquiry performed by the K-Division of Calgary, Alberta into the murder of 3 year old Colton McIntosh. There were public statements made by the local police services that are in direct conflict with members of the community of Drumheller that remember the dispute between Meara McIntosh and Richard Saunders as it was happening. There is a statement by Officer Webb on October 2, 2008 to the Calgary Herald that stated Meara did not report violence, yet Meara has pictures of the police attending reports of massive vandalism and a copy of one of her 911 phone calls How is the internal RCMP dealing with this conflict There were two investigations of Alberta Family and Children Services into the divorce. What was their involvement and what did they do to help resolve the family conflict There were many court orders assigned over the years, what were they and what was family court's involvement with the dispute There are members of the community, that involved themselves in the divorce of Rich and Meara, directly and purposefully broke laws. What did they do and why are they not being prosecuted A number of people have made reference to the justice that awaits Colton's father. RICH COMMITTED SUICIDE at the time he killed Colton. I suspect this is part of the reason the authorities are not doing any investigations. They probably think he perpetrator is deceased, they don’t have to deal with this problem anymore. However, a crazy man doesn’t get that far without help and I was never shy about calling out for help. So help me now please! A public fatality inquiry into the AVOIDABLE murder of 3 year old Colton McIntosh would answer why the police, children services and other authorities failed to act on my warnings that Colton's father was a dangerous man and an active threat to the community at large (many people experienced the vanadalism, threats to their lives, not just me); I personally know it was because they didn’t believe me. However, in light of my son’s death they should be disciplined for their serious lack of judgement and disobeying of in-house protocols, strict court orders and laws of this country. This should occur upon creating of this inquiry. Once this petition gathers more signatures Colton's mother, Meara will present it to the Public Fatality Review Board and the Attorney General and ask that the murder be investigated properly. **************JANUARY 29, 2009******************* POLICE RESPONCE to this was they do not feel there is going to be an investigation. The detachment involved was contacted by the K-Division and they wrote me an email stating as such. All corrospondance is listed on site listed below. In the comments section, write what your relationship is. eg. Colton's neighbour, or MP of a city, or concerned citizen of another country. http://www.facebook.com/profile.phpid=884780617&ref=profile#/group.phpgid=100489940216&ref=mf All donation requests associated with this are not for Colton's specific benefit. They are to support the internet site of freely accessable petitions.