Colt de Carte: Locuri de lectura in localurile bucurestene
[ro] Dorim un Bucuresti boem, in care fiecare local sa asigure un \"Colt de Carte\" persoanelor indragostite de literatura si carti. Dorim un loc linistit, comod in care sa ne putem retrage pentru a savura alaturi de aroma unei cafele, ceai etc., pasaje din carti dragi fara a fi deranjati de zgomot si agitatie. Facem apel prin aceasta petitie la orice proprietar de local bucurestean ce se considera mai mult decat un negustor. Impreuna putem construi un oras placut, putem incuraja consumul de cultura metropolitana si chiar mai mult - putem da nastere legendei \"Coltului de Carte\", specifica localurilor din \"Bucuresti: Micul Paris\". Cu sinceritate, Subsemnatii [en] We want a bohemian Bucharest, where each coffee shop will setup a \"Book Corner\" to people inlove with literature and books. We want a quiet place where we can enjoy not only a coffee, tea etc., but also some good books without beeing interupted by noise and commotion. We address this petition to each owner of coffee shop, bar etc. that considers him or herself more than a merchant. Together we can build a pleasent city , we can encourage the metropolitan culture consumption and even more - we can give birth to the \"Book Corner\" legend, a special asset of \"Bucharest: Le Petit Paris\" Sincerely, The Undersigned