Opposition to Cobb County Balanced Calendar

Please note that there is another petition started with more signatures. Please sign it by searching for: AgainstBalancedCalendar here at ipetitions. This one will stay active if you can't find that one. The search feature here is frustrating! Please sign AND PASS on to other concerned registered voters. Let the school board know that they don't represent YOUR voice.
We the UNDERSIGNED herewith petition the Cobb County School Board to reconsider and overturn the decision to change to a balanced calendar year.
- It is unproven to greatly improve educational objectives.
- It places a burden on working parents to find AFFORDABLE daycare alternatives throughout the school year.
- It disrupts the educational year with additional breaks.
- It disrupts the ability of working age children to find employment through peak tourist season.
- It will increase energy consumption through peak summer days.
- It does not allow for sufficient facility improvements over summer breaks.
The balanced calendar is not a solution for Cobb County. It will not advance educational objectives. The undersigned are all 18 years or older and registered voters in Cobb County.