Reforms In the College Admission System
You need to sign the petition below to register your signature and it is registered the moment you click sign! No donation is required or asked for on our behalf!
Every year hundreds of thousands of students go under stress,
stress that not only is physically demanding but also many times breaks
students mentally. We call for an immediate end to such an examination system
in our country so those countless lives which are lost by the sheer blindness
of this examination system in ways of suicide or worse depression is put to an
end. The rote learning potential of a student which is the fundamental basis to
judge his talent according to our so called education system or as the head of the PM's Scientific Advisory Council puts it "The Exam System" or as the should be eliminated.
An educational system isn't worth a great deal if it teaches young people how
to make a living but doesn't teach them how to make a life! Its time to realize
the essence of education and life.
Below we propose an alternate admission system to colleges, one
that not only deals fairly with students but is more effective and transparent
then our present one.
Support us by signing this petition. We will put this proposal in front of the government within a fortnight. So we need as much support as we can and as fast as we can. Don’t just sign it, but also spread it! Let us work together for a change that will enlighten countless lives
Common National Aptitude Test (CNAT):
We propose that the existing system of individual examination for different colleges be done with and in it’s a place a unified test be conducted to allow students to pursue their desired field of study. We have researched over the viability of such tests and have found a few to accurately determine a person’s career interest and his/her aptitude for the same. What we hope to achieve from these tests will be to rate the aptitude of student in an overall education scenario, then with certain aspects required to excel in particular field and the combination of all these stats be able to provide us with an overall assessment of the probable streams the student has an aptitude for.
National College Admission System:
Under this system we propose to set up a database of all colleges in India, the courses they offer and the seats they have for admission. A student on logging in to the Systems website will be able to choose colleges and courses based on his interest and priority. The system will then start with round one of allotment where in students will be allotted admission in colleges based on the priority they have provided. In case there is a clash between two candidates for a single seat then the result of CNAT will be taken into consideration and the student with the higher rating for that particular field be given priority over the other. After the system has been allotted the seat, a student will have an option to accept his/her seat or wait for another round of allotment and hence forfeit his/her allotted seat. We propose there to be at least three rounds of allotment to satisfactorily allot all parties a seat. After the third allotment has been finalized, a fourth and final call for choices will be given but only for the seats that would be available by then so that any remaining student who has yet not been allotted a seat have a chance to accept a seat. This process of allotment will be over in a month’s times and hence prevent any unnecessary stress to the people concerned. Along with the use of being helpful to students it will also eliminate the practice of donation in colleges and indirectly open the doors of education to all levels of society.
There will be no individual fees for colleges, but one single minimal fee for the system, which will include the test fee and the allotment fee.
a) Aggressive Implementation:
Under this option, we propose to begin working immediately forming an executive council to oversee the implementation of the above suggestions. The committee will be formed with immediate effect consisting of different members of the academic fraternity both faculty and students, along with a representative from the PMO, UGC, and HRD ministry. The committee will debate extensively on these proposed changes and finalize its framework within three weeks. Then two teams will be deployed; one to formulate the system online and the other to finalize the testing sequence for CNAT. Both these teams will be required to finish their work within a period of two months. After which a month long robust testing of the system be conducted. Following which the system be opened to general masses for use.
b) Pilot:
The system will first be opened to a select few colleges in year one of its implementation and then gradually bring all colleges under the program by the end of year three at most.