CMP Parents Care!
Karen Zamd 0

CMP Parents Care!

41 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Karen Zamd 0 Comments
41 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

In an effort to continue a positive, consistent and enriching learning environment for all students at the Capitol Campus, the undersigned are petitioning the following: 1. A Board approved, web-based Principal Feedback and Teacher Satisfaction survey to be distributed within 60 days to all current and former (going back 3 years) CMP Capitol teachers, teaching assistants including those who worked in the Special Education department. We request the survey to address teacher satisfaction in the areas of fair compensation, growth opportunities, job security, confidence of supervision, quality and availability of support and quality of work environment. We request that the survey is formatted so that free commentary may be added to encourage dialog and provide opportunity to provide both commendations and recommendations. We request that this survey be written and managed by a qualified, professional third-party and delivered, in sealed envelopes, directly to BOARD MEMBERS ONLY. We request that a parent and teacher representative be chosen to help guide and write the survey to continue the constituent based participation that is integral to the operations on our campus. 2. An anonymous, web-based parent satisfaction survey, within 60 days, to all current families. This will provide a forum for us to state both our commendations and concerns. We request that this survey include questions on academics, school culture, social and cultural opportunities, teaching staff, leadership, volunteer opportunities and communication. We strongly request that these surveys be written and managed by a qualified and professional third-party, and that anonymity be guaranteed to encourage open communication. If CMP is concerned about the cost, a CMP parent who is a certified HR professional has volunteered to lead this effort.

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