Closure of Three peaks school gate
After receiving a letter from "Three PeaksAcademySchool" today we have been informed they will be closing one of the school gates to apparently safeguard children. The gate their closing is along a safe cycle path of which does not cross with any roads, giving children the freedom to ride their bikes with no dangers involved. In addition to this, other parents allow their children to walk ahead safely.
The gate they will have to use is on a busy road, that will not only have double the amount of children and parents entering it will no longer be safe for children to have the freedom of running in front and enjoying a nice safe walk to school. I feel extremely strong about this as I am sure other parents do. Children enjoy walking to school and I feel this is an important part of development. Keeping the gate open as it has been for over 20 years has never caused any problems for children. Safe guarding children can be done by closing the gate at 9am and re-opening the gate at 3pm or like other schools having it assisted by a member of staff for the 20 mins required.