Stop Commercial Traffic on Closter Dock Rd
If you live, or know anyone that lives on Closter Dock Road in Bergen County, NJ, you know the problem this road posses to the residents of Closter and Alpine. The volume and speed of traffic on Closter Dock Road, but more specifically, the volume and speed of tractor trailer truck traffic, is not only a standard of living problem, it has now become a safety problem. The noise that these huge trucks make at all hours of the day and night is one thing, but what concerns us even more is the safety issue it posses. A 20,000 lb truck traveling at 35 mph traveling through a suburban residential area is a tragedy waiting to happen!
We need your help! We need to stop the heavy volume of tractor trailers to curb the noise, but more importantly, before there is a terrible accident! Please sign this petition so we can turn it over to our elected officials so they know that this cause has the support of the residents of Closter and Alpine, as well as all residents of Bergen County. Be Heard!! Keep our towns quiet and SAFE!