Guantanamo Bay is a detection center in Cuba run by the Unites States government used to torture and humiliate prisoners. Without trial, prisoners face 'interrogation techniques' of imprisonment, forced medication, physical abuse, deprivation of sleep and isolation, for days, weeks and sometimes months on end. This is a violation of human rights.
The conditions in which these people are detained are extremely deprived and disgusting. Is this fair? Theses prisoners themselves have protested about these poor and deprived conditions by going on hunger strikes.Suicide rates have risen highly as prisoners are no longer able to take such torture. Such extreme measures should not have to be taken for justice to occur. President Obama agrees that this should not be happening in this day and age and so pledged to close this horrific detention center but since his inauguration in 2008, has failed to do so.
It is up to us to help these poor people and fight for justice! We Britons recognize this injustice and urge the American's to take action. We are appealing to the American Embassy to close this horror camp, breaking, killing and mentally damaging many families.