Clear Lake High School 5 minute people petition
Students, parents and teachers of Clear Lake High School, please help the students of Clear Lake High School bring back the privilege of the 5 minutes that Clear Lake students used to get to go to their assigned classes in a different building. Ever since last year, construction was in progress for the new high school building. Now that we have 3 buildings along with what we refer to as "Chemistry Island", this year students are running extremely late to class since there is 3 buildings now and a "Chemistry Island". This petition is being made to give 5 extra minutes between passing periods to all students that travel between buildings so they won't be late to their assigned class. We hope that you will support our school and students by signing this petition. Please share this and spread the word as much as possible, the last thing we want is for hundreds of kids to have detention due to tardies. Thank you so much for your time, and have a great day.