Jocelyn Mitchell 0

Women in Cleaning Advertisements

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Throughout history, certain household jobs have traditionally been considered more within the wife's domain, such as washing dishes and cleaning bathrooms. Other jobs, though fewer in number, remain within the husband's domain, like yard work. According to a recent Consumer Reports polls, women spend an average of five hours per week cleaning their homes. Comparisons between a 1996 and 2007 Gallup Poll pertaining to gendered distribution of household chores,"Women appear to be more likely than men to do a number of chores within the home." In 1996 Gallup Poll, six percent of men claimed that they cleaned their home, while 60 percent of women claimed that they cleaned their home. In the 2007 Gallup Poll, the percentage of women claiming they cleaned their home rose by one percent, while the percentage of men claiming to clean their home remained consistent with the 1996 poll. Advertisements for cleaning products perpetuate the stereotypical role of women as domestic workers. According to a University of New Hampshire study, "only 2.1 percent of commercials featuring men showed them performing domestic tasks, such cooking, cleaning, and caring for children." We believe that these statistics show that women are not treated fairly when it comes to domestic tasks. In order for equality to exist within the domestic realm, cleaning product companies need to diversify their subjects by showing men participating in domestic chores.

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