Classic Cinema Scene Petition
Please add your name to this petition to Hasbro for this new Cinema scene: The Empire Strikes Back Imperial Officers with Star Destroyer base. This is one cinema scene that I believe that any Star Wars collector would like to get their hands on. I ask all to sign for the benefit of new cinema scenes in the future. Thanks. The following is a petition letter to be sent to Hasbro for a new Saga Classic Cinema scene from The Empire Strikes Back. The following Cinema scene is with Imperial Officers with Star Destroyer Base. The Imperials in mind for the Cinema set is: Admiral Ozzel, General Veers, Captain Piett. Since there has been no earlier sculpts to base upon for Ozzel and Veers, the sculpts would be all new, with articulation points. As for Captain Piett, which a previous version of him was sculpted in the Power of the Force2 line, He would definitely need to be a new sculpt, with added articulation points, and with the inclusion of his baton.