Class of 2020 Graduation

30 MARCH 2020
As of March 30th 2020, Greg Upham of School District 2 has expressed that he believes, “graduation would not be a good idea.” And while it can be agreed that the school district should not put anyone in harms way as far as the COVID-19 virus goes, the senior class of 2020 would like to be represented and heard throughout the process of choosing what to do if graduation should be cancelled. Each signature below represents a senior or the family of one that supports the claim depicted below.
We do not wish to attend graduation online or through any virtual representation. We would rather wait until summer or fall to attend graduation. We understand that doing such is a burden to the school district as it would exhaust time and money, but we feel that just as every class before us has had the opportunity to celebrate 13 years of hard work and commitment to school with their families and friends, so should we. We do not believe we should be punished for circumstances we cannot control.