City of Charlotte Street Tree Replanting Initiative

Save Charlotte’s Trees! Charlotte’s trees provide millions of dollars in benefits to the entire community by reducing storm water runoff, lowering utility bills and making our air cleaner to breathe. But in the past two decades Charlotte has lost half of its famed tree canopy. Each year, Charlotte loses more trees than are planted.
Enough is enough! Charlotte City Council must reverse tree loss and designate our city’s trees as “infrastructure” and begin now by funding street tree maintenance and replanting with a line item of $500,000 for trees in the 2011 budget.
This petition will be sent to all Charlotte city council members, the mayor and appropriate city and county staff.
CityGreen Benefit Comparison of Charlotte's Trees: 1985 to 2008
Tree Benefit Calculator
Charlotte Public Tree Fund
Communities Thrive on Trees - NCSU Brochure
http://www.itreetools.org/academy_spring2007/Municipal_Forest_Resource_Analysis_Charlotte.pdf -USDA Report on Charlotte's Tree Canopy 2005
http://www.americanforests.org/downloads/rea/AF_Charlotte.pdf - American Forest Analysis of Charlotte's Tree Canopy 2003
www.dfr.state.nc.us – North Carolina Division of Forest Resources