Nora Jones 0

Animal Cruelty in Circuses

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60 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We, the undersigned, ask that Port Stephens, Greater Taree / Manning Valley and Port Macquarie - Hastings councils ban Stardust Circus, and any other circuses that use animals, from performing on their grounds.

It has been proven in many cases throughout the world that circuses promote the cruel and inhumane treatment of animals, no matter how hard circus owners and trainers try to claim otherwise. Please do not fall for the bogus claims of Stardust Circus that their animals are healthy and happy. An animal living with their own species in the wild is healthy and happy. An animal who spends its entire life in a cage or performing under the big top is neither healthy nor happy.

Animals in circuses are beaten, hit, poked, prodded, and jabbed with sharp hooks in order to force them to perform. There is simply no other way to tame a wild animal.

Also, circuses tear baby animals away from their mothers to be confined, dragged cross country and deprived of everything that is natural to them and of the life they are meant to be living in the wild – all for trivial entertainment for humans. If families, particularly children who have a natural empathy with animals, knew of the violent treatment meted out to these animals to make them perform, they would have nothing to do with these institutions of torture. What’s more, watching an animal perform pathetic, unnatural tricks like some sort of clumsy pseudo-human does NOTHING to teach children about these majestic creatures. In the wild, bears do not ride bicycles, elephants don't stand on their trunks and lions don't ride on horses!! There is nothing of educational merit; it is no more than frivolous entertainment.

Many councils in New South Wales have banned these circuses from performing on their council grounds. The use of animals performing in circuses is illegal in Bolivia. So, please Port Stephens, Greater Taree/Manning Valley and Port Macquarie/Hastings councils, join us in the 21st century to denounce this medieval form of entertainment and join the modern and progressive councils in introducing bans on animal circuses. If you insist on proceeding with this ill-conceived decision, please make attendees aware of the truth behind the heavily disguised facade.


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