Bring back hardee's to cincinnati,oh
Daniel Bussel 0

Bring back hardee's to cincinnati,oh

81 signers. Add your name now!
Daniel Bussel 0 Comments
81 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I am starting a petition to bring Hardee's back to the cincinnati area . The nearest one is by Dayton mall . not sure if this will work but heres the message i sent to CKE restaurants "not sure where to put this question , But i was wondering if Hardee's is going to make a return to the Cincinnati area . i personally think along with alot of people on forums etc think hardees should definetly come back . It might not have been getting good business back in the 90s but this is a whole new era of food chains this time . C'mon CKE . bring hardees back! or atleast carls jr . this new place called smashburger just opened in bridgewater falls in hamilton and it is overpriced and not that good . We need good ole hardees back ." . IF YOU AGREE PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO BRING SOME HOPE! THANKS

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