cigarettes nonmailable bill s.1147

Rightnow there is legislation pending in the United State Senate-the PACT ACT (PREVENT ALL CIGARETTE TRAFFICKING ACT OF 2009 S.1147)which contains a provision to make all cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products nonmailable. Contact your senators and tell them not to pass the PACT AC. Your Senators should be protecting your interests, but it is up to you to let them know what you think about the PACT ACT. There are three easy ways to contact your senators-by email, telephone or regular mail. Every state has two senators, please remember to contact both. When the PACT ACT OF 2003 S.1177 passed the Senate the Congressional budget office prepared a cost estimate for the bill:140 million over four years and that is already four years old. How much will the PACT ACT09 cost to enforce. Isn't there a better way to spend our tax dollars Make it clear to your Senators that you do not want them to pass the PACT ACT OF 2009 S.1147 and that if they don't support you you wont support them.