Justine Yansenne 0

CIBT Exam - Relief seeking

77 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Justine Yansenne 0 Comments
77 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear CIBT students,

We all took the exam on Monday April, the 1st.

We all felt like question 2 was not what we were trained for during the tutorials and that we were simply not equipped to answer such a question in a satisfying way.

Additionally, we all found that being left at the exam site without anybody to directly ask questions to ( in person or by phone) was not right. This is normally prohibited by article 7(2) and (3) of the rules and guidelines adopted by the board of examiners

Sign the petition and let's seek some relief and explanations together.

Yours sincerely,

An unsatisfied student.

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