Stop the MTO from Paving Over Our Farm!

With regard to a feasibility study http://www.7and8corridorstudy.ca undertaken by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, We the undersigned, as Ontario taxpayers, devoted consumers of local food, and stakeholders (including the general public) in this study, petition the Ministry of Transportation's Highway 7 and 8 corridor study team to disqualify the alternate routes it is currently considering, as this will result in the loss of significant acreage of valuable farmland that is some of the most productive in Ontario. We demand a greener Ontario and that includes maintaining woodlots, creeks, streams and farmland. We want ease of access to locally grown and raised foods, and we feel that these proposed alternate highway routes will limit our ability to feed ourselves and the people of Ontario. Do not drive these dedicated land stewards off their farms! The highway proposals would result in insufficient acreage for them to continue to be financially viable and environmentally diligent. We say "NO!" to the proposed alternate routes for the MTO's Highway 7 and 8 corridor study! (You might also want to make your opinions known to the Honourable Jim Bradley, our provincial Minister of Transportation http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/about/minister.htm , as well as to the MPP for the affected riding, the Honourable Leeanna Pendergast http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/members/members_detail.dolocale=en&ID=7098 , who is opposed to the highway reconstruction and is fighting against it on behalf of her constituents.) Please note that there is no charge to sign this petition. Your signature will have already been recorded when ipetitions.com's request-for-payment page appears. There is no need to submit payment.