From/Sega needs to patch Chromehounds

NOTICE (Feb. 7): THIS PETITION IS CLOSED UNTIL FROM SOFTWARE CAN FIX THEIR MISTAKE!!! --- Let\'s face it. Chromehounds is in dire need of a patch. With the upcoming \"Platinum Collection\" in Japan, a patch is need more than ever. Balance issues (Sal Kar map disadvantage, limited missile counters in Unlimited free battle, low HQ durability, etc.) and unfair online play (no punishment for disconnecting, squads unfairly boosting, giving undeserved bad rep., lag, random free battle spawns, etc.) hinder Chromehounds from its full potential. If a top squad is detected to be boosting (fighting against their own \"dummy\" squad to earn free points), they should be warned, and then taken off the leaderboards for persistent infringement. It is unfair for the squads who play fairly since boosting squads steal all the glory and achievements. Other issues that should be addressed include announcements when logging on to Xbox Live, choosing your storage every time you save, allowing booting in the briefing room (for inactive players) in Free Battle, Secret Weapon appearance times (and show the Tarakia Secret Weapon), fix the \"Hounds Destroyed\" and \"Shots Fired\" translation, configurable controls, score for incendiary kills in Free Battle, and CPU bots for offline play. We, the community of Chromehounds, deserve better support. From Software and Sega need to give us a new patch that fixes the issues that plague the online gameplay.