Happy Birthday Christy!
To Christy and all the women out there who have lost rights to have a father in there lives. Please make a difference this May, 23rd, 2009. As Christy will be celebrating her Quinces.The 15th birthday is celebrated in latin countries and is similar to a sweet 16's. This is the day when a young girl becomes a young lady. The festivities begin in my case with the mother and the courts trying to remove my right to send her a birthday card. Please sign this card so that we can make this a National Day of awareness for Parental Alienation Syndrome. No harm no foul. just people letting there government and abusive parents know that we will no longer tolerate this form of family control in our country. I myself have already provided a gift to my daughter, which I gave her over a year ago knowing what the Ex, and the courts would be doing this year to prevent communication. My daughter is a perfect gem and has been corrupted by some very immature people. I will be working with Legislator's from around the nation now and into the future to get (PPAS) Planned Parental Alienation Syndrome banned from it's use within The State Courts across the United States of America. Again Please join me in helping to get our leader's to enact legislation to get this dreadful behavior stopped. (MADD) Men Against Demonization in Divorce Courts through innocent children.