****ChrisKennedy stay at singsnap****

Boots said.. I could give you ten good reasons to stay if you need me too but here is the most important one of all....YOU COUNT! You count when everyone is fighting and you try to be the peaceKeeper. You Count when someone is having a bad day and your smile or joke or song brings light into their heart where darkness was attempting to shadow it. You count when you see a news story and you think everyone else here is important enough to want to share it with. You count when you try to run contests and juggle your life and so maybe it didn't work out but you gave effort and that counts. You count when someone needs a friend to talk to or just understand their point of view and you try to...even if you disagree with them ...they were worth while enough for you to take a few moments to help them see the other side. You count when you are silent but we know you are still here because we respect your peace and quiet. Most important you count because you have a kind heart. If you need more reasons let me know but it was really best said " You Count"