No Grocery store in Chappaqua???

Chappaqua has always had a grocery store, and always should... Now Walgreen's expects to take its place! Please help keep a grocery store in Chappaqua!! We are on the verge of losing this basic village staple that we all take for granted will always be there. If we allow Walgreen's to come in to the space, we will have 2 gigantic chain pharmacies in our small hamlet, and 2 CVS stores within 2 miles either way on route 117 as well. However, we will have to drive 5 to 7 miles to get to a grocery store! We request that Walgreen's does not open in place of D'Agostino's, and that a food store opens there instead. If you support our efforts to keep out Walgreen's, and maintain a food store in Chappaqua, please add your signature below today... Time is running out!