Chilton High School --- Dress Code Equality
The current petition you have clicked on is all about the Chilton school district's dress code guidelines and how they negatively affect the girls of this school system. The dress code states that tank tops are not allowed for any gender. However, girls are pulled out of class for wearing tank tops when boys are not. In addition, girls are often told to cover up when wearing sleeveless shirts, which is not against dress code, but boys are allowed to wear sleeveless shirts. When asked why the double standard exists they are told that it is a distraction for the boys.
In addition, what is not allowed to be worn in school (spandex shorts, short skirts etc) is allowed to be worn by our sports teams and clubs to represent our school. For example, the volleyball team wears very short spandex shorts. If someone were to wear these very same shorts to school they would be sent home. Why is it acceptable for our sports teams to wear these shorts to represent our school but not for a student to wear to school?
This is unacceptable. A girl should not have to police her body for a man who is sexualizing her and/or forfeit parts of her education because another student is more important. If a parent accepts the way their child dresses, so should the school, within reason of course. Also, if the rules are changed within the school system, like we hope, the guidelines will be set specifically and fairly. We should be making sure that students are learning how to treat each other with respect and equality and that they take those traits with them through adulthood. At this time, we are showing the boys that they are held to a different standard than the girls are held to. Please help us change that, both here within the Chilton School System and within society. Please keep liking, sharing, and signing! Join the fight and demand equality for both women and men! Thanks! :)