Pay Child Support to recieve Visitation Rights

I propose Non-Custodial Parent\'s(NCP) should be required to pay their Child-Support in order to have visitation rigthts. Not having the two combined has given men an easy pass and no reason to pay their support, in turn causing Custodial Parents(CP) the need to request Public Services like Welfare. If NCP were told they could not see there child until they paid their child support, the NCP that actually care and want to be a part of their children\'s lives would be more active in looking for a job or would stop working under the table. I know that they state Visitation is a right and Child Support is just their responsibility but it is the child\'s right to be financially supported as well. My example is simple; If you get your licence suspended because you were being irresponsible and have a fine to pay, it is your responsibility to pay it before you get the right to drive again. Children should not be compared to driving but for NCP who do not feel the need to pay because their is no serious consequences(some say a weekend in jail is a walk in the park), they should be held accountable for this kind of neglect. Yes, thats right, neglect! They are neglecting their financial responsibilities and should have no right to see the child. There needs to be firmer laws against this. The CP\'s are getting the bad end of the deal and our state is suffering financially. Please sign my petition and get children the support they need!