Children of Bermuda

Petition to stop the unfair treatment and discrimination of "unvaccinated" children in Bermuda. Specifically, to reduce or remove the current 8-day travel restrictions for children returning to Bermuda. This applies to ALL children under age 12 who cannot get vaccinated. Kids belong in school, and they also should have the freedom to travel. We are penalizing innocent children just because they traveled. These children (or parents) might have family overseas or other medical reasons to travel. This is blatant discrimination and needs to stop.
The latest Bermuda government rules (which keep arbitrarily changing and clearly are NOT based on any “science” or actual “data”) now stipulate that “unvaccinated” children (i.e. ANY child under age 12) who have traveled have to be tested even more than vaccinated parents in the same household. This makes no logical sense and 8 days out of school or activities is completely arbitrary. An “unvaccinated” traveling child is currently advised to:
- Comply with the on-island testing requirements on days 4, 8 and 14
- Not be in school, day care or camp until after their day 8 negative test result
- Conduct remote learning
How is any parent (particularly working parents) supposed to “conduct remote learning”? Schools are not providing remote learning options for traveling children. Kids have missed enough in person education as it is – this needs to stop. How can adults attend large parties and events with a “safe key” but children can’t return to school? We demand to be shown the “science” behind that. By day 8, a traveling child has had 4 COVID tests – they are not a risk. There is zero proof that COVID spreads on airplanes (particularly given the Hepa filters) so why are “traveling” children such a risk. They are not.
The COVID vaccine is NOT approved for children under age 12, period, full stop. We cannot illogically discriminate against them. If a vaccine for that age becomes available, that will be the parents choice. They should have the freedom to choose, without prejudice or repercussions, what the right health decision is for their family and young children. In the meantime, the government needs to stop dictating policies aimed at punishing an entire class of the population.
This petition is aimed at the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and ALL Public and Private school principals. We are requesting that you re-evaluate these policies against children. Children under 12 can’t get vaccinated, they should not be punished for traveling. They are now being tested post travel so keeping them out of school for 8 days makes no sense. The parents have had enough – it’s time these arbitrary and ever changing COVID “rules & regulations” impacting children come to an end. It’s time to stand up for children and give them a voice.