Lets make child support fair
The Child Support System is Unfair The Vicious Cycle Here is the set up, (that is not only unfair but hurtful to men that are trying to be decent working fathers) The system gives women the right to decide if SHE would like to keep a child. Then once she has an order of support issued it is time for the father to start pinching pennies. Or in some cases try to make money appear that they do not have. There are countless men like my husband, who were living hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck before they found out about their order. Then somehow they are supposed to be able to add on the cost of another child when they are simply out of money. It isn\'t even a question of want. When the money is not there, it still isn\'t there just because it is needed. Some men have kids at their home and children they pay support for Out of their home, if the child support declares that one child is due X amount of dollars a month, shouldn\'t that same amount be due his other children for their same needs If one child receives lets say six hundred dollars a month and that leaves NO money for the children at home. Furthermore, why should why child\'s worth be more than another\'s. They should all receive the same, but it is impossible to do so because there is not an endless amount of money. In most situation a man paying child support, a man is lucky if he even sees a dollar for himself. This system is designed to punish men for the loss the government took while supporting woman and children on the welfare system. What better way to get it back, take it out on future fathers. Make men pay the government along with the child and then leave him penniless or in jail. If payment is not met on time, garnish his wages. Which then makes it impossible for him to take care of his family & pay his bills, so he has to apply for government assistance to be able to take care of his family Or better yet... throw him in jail because now it is time to punish tax payers. So now what do we have You have a man who had limited means to get by, who can no longer afford his support order, is thrown in jail, his family gets on welfare and his child is not getting paid, and the tax payers get to pay for him to eat. Who does this system work for If all the men with unfair child support would stand together and & refuse to work until their voice was heard, the jails would be flooded and no one would benefit, but for some fathers it would be worth it if it meant that people would open their eyes to the grave injustice. Where Do We Go From Here I do feel that it is important to factor in all sides. Children are not the problem. Although the office of child enforcement would like to say they are already doing that. In a quote taken from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services it says on the matter of collecting support \"we want to send the strongest possible message that parents cannot walk away from their children.\" Shouldn\'t it read that FATHERS cannot walk away from their children A woman can walk away when she leaves her local abortion clinic. So I am asking both woman, and men and government to understand the harsh reality that there are too many men that working too hard and at the end of a long and stressful work week are lucky if they can save a dime, or even worse they are left with NO time to spend with the child that receives the support. Support comes in many forms but with a man it is usually in dollar signs. Not to say that the child is not entitled to it but the mothers are not, nor is the government. The system is punishing men for the governments interest on collecting money that was lost in the past. We do not owe the government because my husband has a child. We may owe a child but that is it. That is like asking a woman to pay the government a percentage of her income to get an abortion & pay a man what he feels his child was worth when she aborted it. Maybe to a man that child was worth something and he didn\'t get to choose to take care of it then. A woman can get pregnant and tell a man she will get back to him on what role he will play in that child\'s life, as to say this is all mine to decide. Please sign if you feel a man should be entitled to his issues in a court of law, and to have those concerns be looked into instead of dismissed which majority of the time are. Each individual case is different, not everyone fits into a \"formula.\" What about the unexpected What if every dime for someone\'s paycheck goes to their bills and then the remainder goes to support, what happens when their hours at their job are cut back, what happens when their job does not give sick days and a man is sick, he is forced to work because if he did not go to work he could not afford his support & then ends up in