Child Support Laws Need To Be Changed

Hello, I am starting this petition in hopes of getting child-support laws changed. In Mississippi the same penalties and child support award amounts have been on the books since 1972 and Revised through 2003 Legislative Session. Currently the penalties only include Contempt of Court Charges, Credit Reporting, License Suspension, Passport Revoking, and Court Ordered Employment. I am seeking to add child neglect charges as part of the penalties. If you look up child neglect it states as follows: Neglect Citation: Ann. Code § 43-21-105 'Neglected child' means a child: Whose parent, guardian, custodian, or any person responsible for his or her care or support neglects or refuses, when able to do so, to provide proper and necessary care or support; education as required by law; or medical, surgical, or other care necessary for his or her well-being Who is otherwise without proper care, custody, supervision, or support Who, for any reason, lacks the special care made necessary for him or her by reason of his or her mental condition, whether said mental condition be mentally retarded or mentally ill Who, for any reason, lacks the care necessary for his or her health, morals, or well-being All this is what non-custodial parents fail to provide their children. It is not only financial neglect, but emotional neglect that needs to be considered in these cases.