Children exposed pratically nude

Dear Mr. Levin, My daughter is in the modeling industry and I do much research for her of new trends and agency searches. Disturbingly while searching, I ran across several child model sites where I feel that their parents, the photographer, and the web hosted site should be penalized by law for letting children exploit themselves practically naked and making pornographic expressions in their pictures. In no way, shape or form are these children going to be models for any magazines or print ads. I wouldn\'t believe that any respected talent agency that represents children clothing lines will appreciate seeing a composition card of a child 1/2 naked to hire for a print ad. The ages of these children on the average seem to be in the age range from 7 years old to 16 years old. Some of the site links listed also have banners and comments that lead into pornographic websites. I understand that children do model bikini and underwear, but there should be a law governed in the USA of restrictions of where children can place their hands, and restricted of what areas of the body can be shown. For example, in this new law to propose, any child under the age of 18 should only be able to place their hands on their hips and not be able to place their hands in any private area or pull on the clothing in conjunction to the private area, nor be able to wear a g-string bikini bottom or show any of the lower part of the buttox area for examples. With the support of thousands of photographers, talent agencies, and people with family morals will give support to this matter and would like you to take this matter seriously with us to bring it forward to legislation of implementing new laws concerning Child Modeling.