Bring back Chick-Fil-A to Davidson
With 200 signatures this petition will allow us to start the process of bringing back Chick-Fil-A to campus. By signing this you feel that Chick-Fil-A should be returned to the Union and After Midnight event. For those that forget or were not here Davidson used to have Chick-Fil-A on MEAL PLAN in the Union about once a month.
About two years ago Davidson students voted to end Davidson's involvement with Chick-Fil-A regarding occasional meal plan Union appearences and having Chick-Fil-A at the "After Midnight" events on campus. Since then Chick-Fil-A has reduced its donations to, what the media classifies as "Anti-LGBTQ" organizations, by 99.2% from 2 million to 36,000. Of this $36,000, 25,000 goes towards Fellowship of Christian Athletes which many would not calssify as an explicitly "Anti-LGBTQ" organization. It seems like the feeling on campus is that we should have Chick-Fil-A back. Over the past 3 years alone Chick-Fil-A has donated over 68 million dollars to over 700 "educational and charitable organizations" ( most of these being aimed at helping children.
By signing this petition you agree that, at the least, there should be another vote to let the students decide if Chick-Fil-A should be allowed back on campus. With 200 signatures the SGA will put a referendum to a vote. So if you decide to sign this make sure you share this with your friends to help us reach our goal of 200!
Also, lets not forget that Chick-Fil-A is absolutely delicious.