Allow backyard chickens in Huron Township MI -Home of the AppleFest!

Please help us change the zoning ordinance currently in place for R-2 & R-3 areas which are Low to medium Density Residential. They currently do not allow chickens. Current ordinance states that if you live in an AG, RR, or R-1 area you can have Class III animals, which chickens fall under. But the Intent and Purpose for the R-2 & R-3 states...
" These districts are established to provide for residential development at a low to medium density, plus customary accessory and compatible support uses. Development within these areas are suburban in character and are designed to preserve and enhance the Township's rural character and natural features while also adding to the range of lot sizes and potential housing opportunities for various segments of the general public."
I ask you what is more rural than chickens? Please help us change this. Thank you.