Urban Chickens for Constantine, Michigan

Petition to Support Urban Chickens in the Village
*You must be a resident in the VILLAGE of Constantine, Michigan, 18 years or older to sign this petition.
Meet Gheda and Olaf
Gheda and
Olaf joined our family in April 2014. We
had never had chickens before and were excited with our new pets. Our decision to have two hens initially
started as a means to provide organic and healthy eggs for our son who suffers
from Lyme Disease. He was diagnosed at
the age of 11, was bedridden for almost 4 years and is still challenged with
daily pain, migraine headaches and stomach issues. His vegetarian and organic diet has greatly
helped his overall health. With eggs
being a primary source of protein, we needed to ensure that they were the
healthiest eggs we could provide. Our
two girls have provided not only eggs, but an emotional support for our
son. The therapeutic benefits of
interacting with chickens and the peace that comes from watching them in the
yard is valuable to our son’s health as well as the fact that Gheda and Olaf
are truly family pets. They come when
called, come running when we say “treats” and when we are not in the yard with
them they sit by the window or door waiting for us to return. We are attached to them as anyone is attached
to a pet. They are attached to us and my
fear is that they would not survive relocation.
We are new to Constantine. When we purchased our home, in the Village
of Constantine, we had no idea we would not be allowed to keep our two
chickens. We moved from big city life on the east side of the state and
were amazed to find out that this quiet
country farm town does not allow chickens. When looking at the history
of Constantine, animals and farm living seem to play a major part.
There are huge advantages to backyard chickens such as: an affordable,
nutritious food source, nitrogen-rich fertilizer,
chemical-free pest and weed control and fun loving pets. We are asking
for signatures for a petition to show the village council members that
other village residents are in support of our desire to CONSIDER changes
to a village ordinance that prohibits chickens.
Signing this petition will NOT be a vote for a change, only the
council members can vote, but we are just asking for our new neighbors
to consider allowing the council to research this topic more.