cheapest and easiest option for abolishing Kappara roundabout traffic
Alison Muscat 0

cheapest and easiest option for abolishing Kappara roundabout traffic

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Alison Muscat 0 Comments
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I really do think that my idea would be a better way than spending all the millions of Euros that Malta is thinking of "investing" in this madness.

Primarily, I believe that the majority of us Maltese are plain and simply LAZY, and I firmly believe that the below method is so much simpler.

Open up the roundabout in half, hence making the regional road a straight round through the said roundabout. Motorists coming from the St Julians tunnels down to the roundabout, and those coming from the St Venera tunnels down to the roundabout, simply drive through the roundabout.

Want to go to San Gwann from St Julians? Drive down regional road and through the roundabout, drive up and around the Skate Board Roundabout of Msida and down back to the roundabout. Take a left up the road of Kappara and you're in San Gwann.

Want to go to Gzira from St Venera? Drive up the regional round and through the roundabout, take a left just before entering the St Julians tunnels, drive under the bridge and up from the other side so that you're on the regional road once again heading to the "kappara roundabout". Only once you get there, take a left and you're in Gzira.

It will make the traffic run SMOOTHLY and also we will not need to spend so much money.

Please help me spread the word in the hope that the Minister of Transport get so see this and save the tax payer or Europe from spending unnecessary funds!

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