Opt-out Option for Trash Service

Residents in the Chatham Courts Apartments are forced to pay a $25 trash pickup fee. There is not an option to opt-out of this service, whether you use it or not. Over the past 4 weeks, trash has not been picked up as scheduled on 9 different occasions. The result of this? Paying for a service that is inconsistent. Additionally, many of us live within walking distance of a dumpster located on the complex grounds.
By paying a $25 fee for trash, I would expect the apartment grounds to be cleaner and aesthetically pleasing. Instead? The complex is constantly littered with trash that has blown out of someone's bin.
Recently, I received a fine of $25 for trash that was in my porch area. The trash bag in my bin was double bagged as per my usual, yet the bag ripped when it was being taken out. As a result, the trash service employees photographed this and sent it to the apartment manager. This is an unethical accusation of a violation. Why is it unethical? Because I followed all the procedures of using the trash service, yet, because someone else ripped the bag, I am being penalized.
I have been in correspondence with the TAA, BBB, and Cottonwood Residential, the management company of Chatham Courts.
If you're tired of paying $25 for inconsistent service, please sign and share this petition.