Chase Beitz, Freshman, Senator Petition

Hello Fellow Students of Illinois Wesleyan! I am Chase Beitz, a Freshman majoring in Political Science here at Illinois Wesleyan! I would be honored to serve as your representative this year…here’s a few tid bits about me! I’m the former President of 3 different organizations at my high school(NHS, Student Council, Class President), a former captain of my high school football team, I crewed plays and did musicals and also donated my time to my local community helping restore a once bustling town back to its former glory. I think my vast swathe of perspectives on issues allows me to compromise with others in a way that others can’t. I believe in fiscal sustainability in a way that we can make sure your money is going to the right places! With me as a Student Senator you’ll have someone that can not only listen to your issues, but take it up directly where it needs addressed, I’m here standing for you this school year!