Chapters/Indigo: Remove 'To Train Up a Child' from your shelves and website
Nikki Waring Ontario 0

Chapters/Indigo: Remove 'To Train Up a Child' from your shelves and website

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Nikki Waring Ontario 0 Comments
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'To Train Up a Child' is written by the Pearls. To date there have been 3 known deaths of children who's parents follow the teachings of this books. Sean Paddock (who was suffocated to death from a "punishment" recommended in this book), Lydia Schatz (who died of rhabdomyolysis from the severity of her beatings)and Hana Grace-Rose Williams (who's parents were found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to 28 and 37 years in prison because they followed the teachings of this book).

This book instructs parents to use objects (like plumbing tube) to spank young children and "break their will". It also instructs parents to withhold food, put children under a cold garden hose, force outside in cold weather. The recommendations are not only immoral, but illegal.

We respectfully request that Chapters and Indigo remove this book, immediately, from shelves and from their website. For continuing to sell it makes Chapters and Indigo complicit in the abuse of children who's parents follow this book. Remove this book before anyone else dies.

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