Changing our GAHL

Since Ice In Paradise opened, the adult hockey leagues have been a great way to have fun while playing hockey with our friends. This recreational league is meant to be fun. Throughout these seasons, we all seem to have one constant issue. The commissioner of the league, Matt Dugan, seems to act on personal interest and overlooks the fact that this is supposed to be a fun league. We believe that someone with very little hockey experience, discipline experience, and someone who overlooks the point of these leagues should be removed from being solely in charge. There are examples where he over/under disciplines individuals without consulting other people with more expierence. There are also examples of him going against individuals, due to a personal issues. As memebers of the GAHL, we believe that there should be more voices heard when it comes to matter regarding the GAHL. Wether it be a representative from each league helping to provide the Commisioner with suspensions, scheduling, playoff formatting, and determining who is/isn't allowed to play in leagues. We believe the more voices that are heard, the better this league will be. These leagues, with veteran and rookie players, can not be run solely by someone with such little hockey expierence, knowledge, and personal vendettas