Change to drug laws.
Regarding the police that are just doing there job having to Treat Clubbers as Scumbag law breakers. Not the major Drugs ie Herion/Crack. Only Clubbing/Recreational drugs Ie Mdma/speed/pills/Ketamine. I\'ve just spoken to the prestyn police about next time At Tidy weekender. I only do legal and i said to them how do i not get a caution if found in a room with drugs in it. They told me straight if you don\'t want to risk getting arrested don\'t go. How is that advice I don\'t have a problem with drugs just have a job where i\'d get the sack and be unemployable for about 10 years if i get charged. 3500 cautions and as far as they\'re concerned we are all crimnals. 3500 people there and the only prhysical assualt i saw was people Hugging, Kissing and shaking hands. Lets see what happens if you put Alchohol and 3500 people together. We need to all write to our M.P\'s and get a pettion going. There are enough clubbers on DSI. If we all get together as one voice we should be able to get something done.