Changes to BIOL 3306
Evolutionary Biology 0

Changes to BIOL 3306

112 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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112 people have signed. Add your voice!
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This petition was created by the students enrolled in the class BIOL 3306 in an effort to make a formal complaint about the format of exam 2, and the lack of review in this class regarding homework, quizzes, and exam content. Collectively as a class, we have failed to understand your course material and we wish to take action and resolve the problems by raising our concerns to you.

We were told as a class that our exam would be multiple choice, just for there to be numerous free-response questions on the exam, many students felt very misled as a result.

Although we are able to access recitations (which we are very grateful for) not everyone can make it to recitations due to other classes, work, etc. and we believe that working through problems as we learn our course material would be essential to understanding the homework and quizzes better. There is no working of problems during class, and we feel that the lectures cover vague concepts without showing us how to apply them; specifically in regards to the problems using formulas.

Another issue students had was the fact that no answers to the homework were posted for this last exam, and thus we were unable to understand the reasoning behind our wrong answers.

The past exams that are given to us, are useless when there is no explanation of how to solve them. We would like to ask if there is any way to have review sessions as a class, for problems to be worked out during the lecture for practice, for homework/quiz answers to be posted after their due dates with explanations, and for the format of our exams to be as specified.

Unanimously we ask for a curve, and a major change in the way we are taught so the money we pay towards our tuition can reflect the education we are receiving in return. The effort we are putting in is being met with poor grades, and we implore you to reconsider the way BIOL 3306 is taught. Thank you.

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