Changes to ACC Guidelines
Michael Elrod 0

Changes to ACC Guidelines

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Michael Elrod 0 Comments
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This petition is requesting changes to the architectural control committee guidelines regarding Outbuildings (including Detached Garages, Barns or Sheds). The current rule states:

7.01 Outbuildings

Each home site is limited to outbuildings (sometimes referred to in the Covenants and the Guidelines as accessory buildings) as defined in the building site’s specific Supplemental DCCRs. Outbuildings include, without limitation, barns, workshops, detached garages, sheds and other structures not connected to the main dwelling. The location and appearance of outbuildings shall be submitted to and approved by the ACC prior to construction. Outbuildings should be architecturally compatible with the home, and similar in color. In some cases, an outbuilding application being submitted by the owner as a shed, or a barn, may have door openings wide enough (over 7 ft), and have an open area large enough (10’ x 20’ or larger) to allow passenger or other vehicles (e.g., cars, pickups, RVs, trailers, etc.) to be stored inside. In this situation, if the outbuilding has the potential to store a vehicle, the proposed outbuilding will be subject to the Unit's DCCR requirements for garages (e.g,. certain percent masonry, a driveway, etc.). However, if such an outbuilding includes the internal features of a barn (stalls, tack rooms, etc.) the ACC may determine the garage requirements do not apply. All outbuildings shall be within the building setback lines and no portion of the outbuilding may be closer to the front property line than the part of the house that is closest to the rear lot line. The buildings shall be oriented so that access is indirect and they do not open on to the street, except for detached garages in Units where the Supplemental DCCRs do not restrict the garage position (Units 6, 8, 12, 14, 18 and 20). The ACC may also consider proposed use of outbuildings and other structures to ensure they will be consistent with the single family residential use restrictions in the Covenants (except for permitted commercial or multifamily use in Unit Six).

Where Units allow construction/installation of outbuildings prior to construction of the primary residence, and an outbuilding is to be installed prior to construction of the residence, the site plan must show the placement of the outbuilding and the future primary residence.

We request that the bold and underlined paragraph to be changed as follows:

“If a home does not have a garage then the proposed outbuilding will be subject to the Unit's DCCR requirements for garages (e.g,. certain percent masonry, a driveway, etc.). No outbuilding shall be considered a garage if the home already has a garage. No barn, stall, or other animal enclosure shall require a cement pad due to the damage it may cause to the animal(s). Any other outbuilding shall only be required to meet the requirements set forth as above regarding color, and setback requirements. “

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